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Agricultural Extension Notes by ANGRAU ! Download Agri. Extension Notes PDF

 Agriculture Extension is a practical subject more then theory because here involved all the Techniques of Communication, Personality Development, Rural Sociology, Enterprneurship Development & many things. 

ANGRAU Agriculture Extension Notes PDF Download
Agriculture Extension

Let's check the Agriculture Extension Notes  PDF by ANGRAU with just one click download access. 

Agricultural Extension Notes by ANGRAU :-

Scroll down & find the Extension Subject which Notes you want to download by ANGRAU University. 

  • AEXT 191 - Dimensions of Agriculture Extension
  • AEXT 292 - Fundamentals of Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology
  • AEXT 292 - Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agriculture Technology
  • AEXT 391 - Enterprneurship Development

So this all are comes under B.Sc. AG Agri Extension which you need to read. Let's check out quick summary of all Agriculture Extension Subject. 

AEXT 191 - Dimensions of Agriculture Extension

Here you can read about Basics & Principles of Extension as well as Agri Extension. 

AEXT 291 - Fundamentals of Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology :-

Here you read about Leadership concept, Rural & Social cultures, Personality Development, Motivation etc. 

AEXT 292 - Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agriculture Technology

Extension program plan, teaching method, group contact, Agri journalism etc. are comes under this subject. 

AEXT 391 - Enterprneurship Development 

Here in this subject you can read about In-depth Personality Development. 

So this are the Agri. Extension subjects which Notes provided by ANGRAU. For download, just click on link & get ready to free access. 


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